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2000.09- 2004.07🧒🏽: 河北農業大學農學學士;

2004.09- 2007.07🙅‍♂️: 河北農業大學農學碩士;

2010.09- 2016.07🧛🏼‍♂️: 河北農業大學農學博士;

2007.08-至今📀🤸🏿‍♂️: 河北農業大學顺盈平台🫶;

2022.12-至今👵: 教授,博士生導師

2024.06-至今 教授,博士生導師🔊,副院長🧛🏿。


1. 河北省棉花學會常務理事🈹,2023🧑‍🦼;

2. 河北省三三三人才工程三層次🐿😮‍💨,2020


1. 劉連濤(第3完成人). 河北農業大學棉花輕簡抗逆豐產高效技術創新團隊,農業農村部📣, 神農中華農業科技獎優秀創新團隊獎👰🏻‍♂️, 2023

2. 劉連濤(第4完成人). 棉花防衰豐產集中成熟高效栽培關鍵技術創建與應用🫠,農業農村部,中華農業科技進步獎🧖🏽‍♀️, 一等獎, 2021🗄;

3. 劉連濤(第3完成人). 棉花集中采收高效豐產栽培關鍵技術創建與應用🤽🏼, 河北省人民政府, 河北省科技進步獎, 二等獎,2019年;

4. 劉連濤(第4完成人). 轉基因抗蟲棉早衰的生理生態機製及調控技術, 河北省人民政府, 河北省科技進步獎🏌🏻‍♂️, 一等獎🦾, 2012⚆;

5. 劉連濤(第8完成人).不同形態氮素營養對棉花生長、生理與產量的效應及其應用♉️, 河北省人民政府, 河北省科技進步獎👍🏽, 一等獎, 2008

6. 劉連濤(第1完成人).冀中棉區棉花氮素效應及調控技術, 河北農業大學,河北農業大學科技進步獎, 一等獎 2014

7. 劉連濤(第4完成人).基於不同尺度的葉綠素熒光遙感被動探測方法與應用🛄,河北農業大學自然科學獎, 一等獎, 2013

8. 劉連濤5完成人.小麥不同染色體對幹旱和低磷脅迫的反應及生理調控效, 河北農業大學自然科學獎, 一等獎🙇🏼‍♂️, 2015

9. 劉連濤2完成人.農時製模式下實習管理創新新實踐🔯, 2019🐛。


1. 本科生課程🍢🧚🏿‍♂️:《農學概論》(主講)、《作物栽培學》(參講)

2. 研究生課程:《作物學儀器應用原理與技術》(主講)🤸🏼‍♂️、《作物科學研究法》(參講)


1. 根系吸水能力影響棉花早衰的生理機製,河北省自然科學基金面上項目,6萬元👪,2024.01-2026.12,課題主持人。

2. 根系水力導度及其與根系形態協同影響棉花衰老的生理機製,國家自然科學基金面上項目,53萬元(直接經費),2023.01-2026.12🧼😲,課題主持人。

3. 根系皮層衰老及代謝對棉花早衰的影響機理🧏🏽,國家自然科學基金面上項目, 58萬(直接經費),2022.01-2025.12👨🏽‍🦰,第2參加人🏖。

4. 微根系(細根、根毛)形態和生理特征對棉花早衰的影響和機製,國家自然科學基金面上項目🏩,60萬元(直接經費),2019.01-2022.12,課題主持人🧝🏽‍♀️。

5. 棉花根系皮層解剖結構⚠、代謝特征與氮素吸收利用關系的研究,河北省自然科學基金面上項目,10萬元👷‍♂️🔉,2020.01-2022.12🛠,課題主持人。

6. 棉花高效輕簡化技術集成與示範🥞,國家重點研發計劃子課題,40萬元🤘🏼,2018.06-2020.12,任務主持人✊。

7. 微根系(細根🧖🏿‍♂️、根毛)形態和生理特征對棉花早衰的影響和機製,河北農業大學科研發展基金計劃項目,10萬元,2019.01~2022.12,課題主持人🧑🏻‍🍼。

8. 棉花冠層類型與整枝方式對各類葉系統影響的生理生態機製,國家自然科學基金面上項目, 65萬元(直接經費),2016.01-2019.12👩🏼‍⚖️,第4參加人。

9. 棉花早衰群體根系生長特征及關系的生理機製👠👩🏻‍💼,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目🧘🏻🧰,25萬元🧑‍🧒,2014.01−2016.12,課題主持人。

10. 棉花根系生長特性與氮素吸收利用關系的研究,河北省自然科學基金青年基金項目,4萬元,2016.01-2018.12🦸🏼‍♀️,課題主持人。

11. 氮素營養對轉基因抗蟲棉群體上層葉系統的生理效應及差異蛋白組學分析,國家自然科學基金面上項目♥︎,30萬元,2012.01−2015.12🏂🏼,第2參加人。

12. 基於日光誘導熒光和PRI的棉花水分脅迫探測研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金🎍,25萬元,2012/01-2014/12➞,第3參加人👱🏼‍♀️。

13. 外源一氧化氮對脅迫環境下棉花的調控效應研究🏋🏻‍♂️,河北省自然科學基金面上項目🙍🏽‍♀️,5萬元,2010.1-2012.12,第2參加人。


1. 劉連濤🧑🏼‍🦰,李存東,孫紅春,張永江.一種根系沖洗裝置和根系沖洗方法,ZL201410162590.8

2. 劉連濤🏃‍♂️‍➡️,王曉丹,孫紅春,張永江🎮,李存東. 一種根系沖洗操作平臺,ZL 201621250069.0

3. 劉連濤,王曉丹,孫紅春🧒🏽,李存東. 一種用於定位打孔設備的裝置👩🏼‍🔬,2014.02.12ZL201320512427.0,授權😑🤳,批準號ZL 203430428 U

4. 劉連濤,蒲娜娜,王曉丹🧁,劉夢星🆙🫁,孫紅春,李存東. 一種原位根毛觀測裝置🤹🏿,ZL201720260146.9

5. 劉連濤🤜🏼,王曉丹🤴🏽👨🏻‍💻,侯明語🧕🏽,李存東,孫紅春✌🏽👁‍🗨,張永江. 負壓式傷流液收集裝置,2018.2.9ZL201720507609.7,授權

6. 劉連濤🫳🏻,李久熙,孫紅春🦸,李東曉🈳,李存東,陳靜. 一種小麥穗部光合速率測量室👩‍❤️‍👩,ZL201520410311.5

7. 劉連濤,陳靜,孫紅春,張永江🚶‍♂️🤵🏿‍♀️,李存東. 一種作物群體光合速率測定裝置,ZL201520410720.5

8. 李存東🩺,劉連濤,孫紅春🙂,張永江. 防控棉花早衰的復配劑及其使用方法,ZL201410298634.X

9. 白燕丹,劉連濤,孫紅春,張永江,張科💇🏽,李存東. 一種種子萌發紙,ZL202022993868.4

10. 張永江🧎‍♀️,劉連濤🏌🏽‍♀️,孫紅春,李存東.一種基於AR手機的棉花株型設計實驗教學方法,ZL 2018100208883

11. 李存東,孫紅春👩🏼‍🚀,劉連濤,張永江.一種棉花緩釋肥及其施用方法,CN 102515878 B

12. 劉朋程🌌,劉連濤🧖‍♀️,李存東🚴🏽‍♂️,孫紅春🦹🏿,張永江. 一種實驗田劃線器,ZL201620435051.1


1. Congcong Guo🫱🏼、Ke ZhangHongchun SunLingxiao ZhuYongjiang ZhangGuiyan Wang🦹🏽‍♀️、Anchang Li🥲、Zhiying BaiLiantao Liu*🌓、Cundong Li*. Root cortical senescence enhances drought tolerance in cotton. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2024, 15161.

2. Lingxiao ZhuHongchun SunRanran WangCongcong Guo🥈、Liantao Liu*🤳、Yongjiang Zhang🙎🏿‍♀️、Ke ZhangZhiying Bai🧜🏻、Anchang LiJiehua Zhu*🔳、Cundong Li*. Exogenous melatonin improves cotton yield under drought stress by enhancing root development and reducing root damage. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2024, 23(10): 2-20.

3. Congcong Guo👼🏼、Hongchun SunXiaoyuan Bao👣、Lingxiao ZhuYongjiang ZhangKe Zhang👼🏻、Anchang LiZhiying Bai⛏、Liantao Liu*🤶🏻、Cundong Li*. Increasing root-lower characteristics improves drought tolerance in cotton cultivars at the seedling stage. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2024, 23: 2242-2254.

4. Hui TangXue ChengQiushi YuJiaXi ZhangNan Wang*⏯🗜、Liantao Liu*. Improved transformer for time series senescence root recognition, Plant Phenomics. 2024, 6: 0159.

5. Congcong Guo🐢、Xiaoyuan Bao😰、Hongchun Sun🧑🏼‍🚀、Lingxiao ZhuYongjiang ZhangKe ZhangZhiying Bai👌🏼🙅🏼‍♀️、Jijie Zhu☘️、Xiaoqing Liu🦑、Anchang Li💇🏼‍♂️、Hezhong Dong𓀋、Lijie Zhan*🚵🏻、Liantao Liu*Cundong Li*. Optimizing root system architecture to improve cotton drought tolerance and minimize yield loss during mild drought stress[J]. Field Crops Research, 2024, 308: 109305.

6. Congcong Guo✌️、Lingxiao ZhuHongchun SunQiucheng HanShijie WangJijie Zhu👸🏿、Yongjiang Zhang👪、Ke ZhangZhiying BaiAnchang LiLiantao Liu*Cundong Li*. evalsuation of drought-tolerant varieties based on root system architecture in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2024, 24: 127.

7. Hanbing JiangFeakins Sarah JLiantao LiuXinliang Dong, Cundong Li*, Xiuwei Liu*. Leaf n-alkane δ13C improves upon conventional bulk leaf δ13C for assessing drought sensitivity of winter wheat cultivars. Agricultural Water Management, 2024, 291: 108638.

8. Qiushi YuNan Wang🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻、Hui Tang*️⃣、JiaXi ZhangRui XuLiantao Liu*. In situ root dataset expansion strategy based on an improved CycleGAN generator. Plant Phenomics, 2024, 6: 0148.

9. Lingxiao ZhuAnchang LiHongchun Sun🤹‍♀️、Ping LiXiaoqing LiuCongcong Guo💆🏿、Yongjiang ZhangKe ZhangZhiying Bai🧜🏿‍♂️、Hezhong DongLiantao Liu* Cundong Li*. The effect of exogenous melatonin on root growth and lifespan and seed cotton yield under drought stress. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 204: 117344

10. Yuanqi Ma🥄、Hongchun Sun👨🏽‍🍳、Yurong YangZhao Li🙊、Ping LiYuetong QiaoYongjiang ZhangKe ZhangZhiying Bai🤹🏼、Anchang LiCundong Li*Liantao Liu*. Long-term nitrogen fertilizer management for enhancing use efficiency and sustainable cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1271846.

11. Heyang Tian🚣🏽‍♂️、Hongchun Sun👨🏻‍🦳👩🏽‍⚖️、Lingxiao ZhuKe ZhangYongjiang ZhangHana Zhang🚴🏿‍♀️、Jijie ZhuXiaoqing LiuZhiying BaiAnchang Li🫅🏼、Liwen TianLiantao Liu*🆓、Cundong Li*. Response of in situ root phenotypes to potassium stress in cotton. PeerJ, 2023, 11: e15587.

12. Shuo Wang👌🏻🙆‍♀️、Hongchun Sun🤞、Lingxiao ZhuⓂ️、Ke ZhangYongjiang Zhang🤟🏽、Haina ZhangJijie Zhu🆖、Xiaoqing LiuZhiying BaiAnchang Li👩🏿‍🎨、Liwen Tian💁‍♂️、Cundong Li*Liantao Liu*. Effects of spraying with ethephon and early topping on the growth, yield, and earliness of cotton under late-sowing and high-density cultivation modes. Agronomy, 2023, 13: 1244.

13. Kai YangHongchun SunMengxing LiuLingxiao Zhu☕️、Ke Zhang🚢、Yongjiang ZhangAnchang LiHaina Zhang🚴🏿、Jijie ZhuXiaoqing LiuZhiying Bai🤸🏿、Liantao Liu*Cundong Li*. Morphological and physiological mechanisms of melatonin on delaying drought-induced leaf senescence in cotton. International Journal of molecular Science, 2023, 24: 7269.

14. Qiushi YuJingqi Wang🚨、Hui TangJiaxi ZhangWenjie Zhang🧚🏼‍♀️、Liantao Liu*Nan Wang*. Application of improved UNet and EnglightenGAN for segmentation and reconstruction of in situ roots. Plant Phenomics, 2023, 5: 0066.

15. Qiushi Yu🐹、Hui TangLingxiao Zhu👨🏼‍🦱、Wenjie Zhang⚖️🌈、Liantao Liu*🧎🏻‍➡️、Nan Wang *. A method of cotton root segmentation based on edge devices. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1122833.

16. Congcong GuoLiantao LiuKe Zhang👴🏻、Hongchun Sun🍮、Yongjiang ZhangAnchang LiZhiying BaiHezhong Dong*Cundong Li*. High-throughput estimation of plant height and above-ground biomass of cotton using digital image analysis and Canopeo. Technology in Agronomy, 2022, 2: 4.

17. Hongjuan ZhaoNan WangHongchun SunLingxiao ZhuKe ZhangYongjiang ZhangJijie Zhu🌃、Anchang LiZhiying BaiXiaoqing LiuHezhong DongLiantao Liu*👨🏼‍💻、Cundong Li*. RhizoPot platform: A high-throughput in situ root phenotyping platform with integrated hardware and software. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1004904.

18. Lingxiao Zhu❄️、Liantao Liu*🦹🏼‍♀️、Hongchun SunKe Zhang➗、Yongjiang ZhangAnchang LiZhiying Bai🧑🏻‍🍳、Guiyan WangXiaoqing LiuHezhong Dong*Cundong Li*. Low nitrogen supply inhibits root growth but prolongs lateral root lifespan in cotton. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 189: 115733.

19. Cong FanMingyu HouPeng SiHongchun SunKe Zhang🌩、Zhiying BaiGuiyan WangCundong Li*🚴‍♀️、Liantao Liu*Yongjiang Zhang*. Response of root and root hair phenotypes of cotton seedlings under high temperature revealed with RhizoPot. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1007145.

20. Ke ZhangHao ZhangYanyun Pan🚶🏻、Yanxiao NiuLin GuoYuru MaShijun TianJiarong WeiCong WangXiubo Yang🛳、Yunze Fu🦹🏻、Ping Qu☃️、Liantao Liu💪🏽、Yongjiang ZhangHongchun Sun🫕、Zhiying BaiJingao DongCundong Li*🛌🏻、Xigang Liu*. Cell- and noncell-autonomous AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 controls meristem proliferation and phyllotactic patterns, Plant Physiology, 2022, 190(4): 2335-2349.

21. Congcong GuoLiantao Liu*😭、Hongchun SunNan WangKe Zhang🧑🏻‍🍼、Yongjiang Zhang🫴🏽、Jijie ZhuAnchang LiZhiying BaiXiaoqing LiuHezhong Dong*Cundong Li*. Predicting Fv/Fm and evalsuating cotton drought tolerance using hyperspectral and 1D-CNN. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1007150.

22. Yuhui Guo🙆🏽、Dongxiao Li🤾🏿👨‍🔬、Liantao Liu🗻、Hongchun Sun🧒、Lingxiao ZhuKe ZhangHaiming Zhao🧏🏼‍♀️、Yongjiang Zhang🗣、Anchang LiZhiying BaiLiwen Tian*◽️、Hezhong Dong*Cundong Li*. Seed priming with melatonin promotes seed germination and seedling growth of Triticale hexaploide L. under PEG-6000 induced drought stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 93291.

23. Lingxiao ZhuLiantao LiuHongchun SunYongjiang ZhangKe ZhangZhiying Bai👨🏽‍🍳、Anchang Li👨‍🦯‍➡️、Hezhong Dong*Cundong Li*. Effects of chemical topping on cotton development, yield and quality in the Yellow River Valley of China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2022, 21(1): 78-90.

24. Anchang LiLingxiao ZhuWenjun Xu🫐、Liantao Liu*Guifa Teng*. Recent advances in methods for in situ root phenotyping. PeerJ, 2022, 10: e13638.

25. Haipeng Li👩‍🎨、Hongchun SunWenchao PingLiantao LiuYongjiang ZhangKe ZhangZhiying BaiAnchang LiJijie Zhu*Cundong Li*. Exogenous ethylene promotes the germination of cotton seeds under salt stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2022, 42(6): 3923-3933.

26. Zhihui ZhangLiantao LiuHongye Li🗳、Shaocong ZhangXiaoyi Fu🚶🦘、Xiuzhen Zhai🧏🏼‍♀️、Na YangJiaming ShenRuiqi Li*Dongxiao Li*. Exogenous melatonin promotes the salt tolerance by removing active oxygen and maintaining ion balance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 12: 787062.

27. Lingxiao Zhu🔼、Liantao Liu*Hongchun SunYongjiang ZhangJijie ZhuKe Zhang🔔、Anchang LiZhiying Bai🤶🏽、Guiyan WangCundong Li*. Physiological and comparative transcriptomic analysis provide insight into cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) root senescence in response. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 748715.

28. Zichen Zhang🏥、Lingxiao Zhu🧕🏽、Dongxiao Li🦾、Nan WangHongchun Sun🧑🏻‍🎨、Yongjiang ZhangKe ZhangAnchang Li👯‍♀️🗡、Zhiying BaiCundong Li*🔔🚉、Liantao Liu*. In situ root phenotypes of cotton seedlings under phosphorus stress revealed through RhizoPot. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 716691.

29. Guoping Wang☂️、Lu FengLiantao LiuYongjiang ZhangAnchang Li😵‍💫、Zhanbiao Wang♌️、Yingchun Han🫏、Yabing Li*Cundong Li*Hezhong Dong*. Early relay intercropping of short-season cotton increases lint yield and earliness by improving the yield components and boll distribution under wheat-cotton double cropping. Agriculture, 2021, 11: 1294.

30. Huijie GuLiantao LiuJohn R. ButnorHongyong SunXiying Zhang🫏、Cundong Li*Xiuwei Liu*. Electrical capacitance estimates crop root traits best under dry conditions—a case study in cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.). Plant and Soil, 2021, 467: 549-67.

31. Jia Kang J🪼、Liantao Liu🫵🏽、Fucheng ZhangChen Shen👩🏽‍🦰🫃🏻、Nan Wang⚁、Limin Shao*. Semantic segmentation model of cotton roots in-situ image based on attention mechanism. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021, 189: 106370.

32. Lingxiao Zhu LLiantao LiuHongchun Sun➡️、Yongjiang Zhang🏃🏻‍♂️🎓、Xiuwei Liu🥇、Nan WangJing Chen👨‍👩‍👦‍👦、Ke ZhangZhiying Bai⚗️、Guiyan WangLiwen Tian*Cundong Li*. The responses of lateral roots and root hairs to nitrogen stress in cotton based on daily root measurements. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2022, 208(1): 89-105.

33. Dan Jiang🐬🕺🏻、Bin Lu Liantao Liu🌮、Wenjing DuanYanjun MengJin Li👩🏻‍⚕️、Ke ZhangHongchun Sun💂🏿‍♂️、Yongjiang Zhang😆、Hezhong Dong👐🏿🤥、Zhiying Bai*🧑‍⚖️、Cundong Li*. Exogenous melatonin improves the salt tolerance of cotton by removing active oxygen and protecting photosynthetic organs. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21(1): 1-19.

34. Li ChenBin LuLiantao LiuWenjing Duan🧓🏼、Dan Jiang☝️、Jin LiKe ZhangHongchun SunYongjiang Zhang💦、Cundong Li*Zhiying Bai*. Melatonin promotes seed germination under salt stress by regulating ABA and GA3 in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 162: 506-516.

35. 肖爽🗺、韓雨辰、號宇然、王曉蕾🤵🏻、劉連濤、孫紅春、張永江、李存東*. 聚乙二醇引發對鹽脅迫下棉種萌發及生理特性的影響[J]. 核農學報, 2021, v.35(01):208-216.

36. Chen ShenLiantao Liu🤦🏿‍♂️、Lingxiao Zhu🏋🏽‍♂️、Jia KangNan WangLimin Shao*. High-Throughput in situ root image segmentation based on the improved DeepLabv3C method. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 11: 576791.

37. Shuang Xiao🚋👨🏿‍🍳、Liantao Liu➡️、Yongjiang Zhang🏋🏻‍♂️、Hongchun SunKe Zhang⌚️、Zhiying BaiHezhong Dong*👷、Cundong Li*. Fine root and root hair morphology of cotton under drought stress revealed with RhizoPot. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2020, 206(6): 679-693.

38. Shuang XiaoLiantao LiuYongjiang ZhangHongchun SunKe Zhang👼🏼、Zhiying BaiHezhong Dong🧖🏽、Yuchun LiuCundong Li*. Tandem mass tag-based (TMT) quantitative proteomics analysis reveals the response of fine roots to drought stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 328.

39. Jing ChenLiantao Liu🪜、Zhanbiao WangYongjiang ZhangHongchun Sun🎧、Shijia SongZhiying Bai👩🏽‍🚀、Zhanyuan Lu*👪、Cundong Li*. Nitrogen fertilization increases root growth and coordinates the root–shoot relationship in cotton. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 880.

40. Yandan BaiShuang Xiao🤞🏿🤣、Zichen ZhangYongjiang ZhangHongchun SunKe ZhangXiaodan WangZhiying Bai🐟、Cundong Li*Liantao Liu*. Melatonin improves the germination rate of cotton seeds under drought stress by opening pores in the seed coat. PeerJ, 2020, 8: e9450.

41. Dan Jiang🧻、Bin LuLiantao Liu🙎🏼、Wenjing DuanLi Chen📡、Jin LiKe ZhangHongchun SunYongjiang ZhangHezhong Dong🧑🏽‍🏫、Cundong Li*👩‍🎤、Zhiying Bai*. Exogenous melatonin improves salt stress adaptation of cotton seedlings by regulating active oxygen metabolism. PeerJ, 2020, 8: e10486.

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43. 肖爽、劉連濤*🗑、張永江、孫紅春🦘、白誌英、張科、田士軍、董合忠➙、李存東*. 植物微根系原位觀測研究方法進展. 植物營養與肥料學報😒,2020, 26(2): 1-16.

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46. 陳莉🔉、劉連濤🍏、馬彤彤江丹孫紅春張永江🏃、張科白誌英*👨🏽‍🚀、李存東*. 褪黑素對鹽脅迫下棉花種子抗氧化酶活性及萌發的影響, 棉花學報, 2019, 31(5): 438-447.

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48. Liantao LiuAnchang Li✦、Jing ChenMan Wang🏷、Yongjiang Zhang⚾️、Hongchun SunXiaodan WangCundong Li*. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves reveals pathways associated throughout the aging process. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2019, 41: 144.

49. Shuang Xiao👜、Liantao LiuHao Wang🙈🧛‍♂️、Dongxiao LiZhiying BaiYongjiang Zhang🤢、Hongchun Sun🤷🏻、Ke ZhangCundong Li*. Exogenous melatonin accelerates seed germination in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(6): e0216575.

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51. Jing ChenLiantao LiuZhanbiao Wang↖️、Hongchun SunYongjiang Zhang Zhanyuan Lu*🫃🏽、Cundong Li*. Determining the effects of nitrogen rate on cotton root growth and distribution with soil cores and minirhizotrons. PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(5): e0197284.

52. Lichao ZhaiYongjiang Zhang*Cundong Li🧙🏽、Lifang Zhai👮🏼、Liantao Liu Hongchun Sun. Effects of early fruiting branch removal on physiological traits of leaves related to premature senescence, yield, and fiber quality of transgenic BT cotton. Crop Science, 2018, 58(2): 792.

53. Yongjiang Zhang*Mingyu HouHuiyun XueLiantao LiuHongchun SunCundong Li. Photochemical reflectance index and solar-induced fluorescence for assessing cotton photosynthesis under water-deficit stress. Biologia Plantarum, 2018, 62(4): 817-825.

54. Liantao LiuHongchun SunJing ChenYongjiang Zhang🙋🏼‍♀️、Xiaodan Wang🤜🏼、Dongxiao LiCundong Li*. Cotton seedling plants adapted to cadmium stress by enhanced activities of protective enzymes. Plant, Soil and Environment, 2016, 62(2): 80-85.

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1. 李存東、董合忠、齊放軍、張永江、劉連濤、孫紅春、孔祥強等. 2018. 棉花早衰理論與調控技術,北京:中國農業出版社,310千字

2. 劉連濤(參編). 2018. 農學概論👇,科學出版社,433千字

3. 劉連濤(參編). 2023. 作物生態學(高等教育農業農村部十四五規劃教材),北京:中國農業出版社,620千字


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3. 李存東,張永江,孫紅春🤜🏽,劉連濤,董合忠,劉貞貞🧰☛。抗蟲棉防早衰栽培技術規程🫀,河北省地方標準🧑🏿‍💼,DB 13/T 1517—20122012-3-10實施


