姓 名:劉國庫
性 別:男
職 稱:講師♍️,碩士生導師
電 話🐙:0312-7520150
2009.09- 2013.06👩🏻:河北農業大學🧆,中藥學專業,理學學士⏯;
2013.09- 2016.06💻:河北農業大學,作物栽培學與耕作學專業,農學碩士🗂;
2016.08- 2020.06🪈:西北農林科技大學,化學生物學專業,理學博士🍒;
2020.12-至今:河北農業大學 講師,碩士生導師👱🏽♀️。
1. Guo-ku Liu; Tai-xin Yang; Jun-ru Wang; Polysaccharides from Polyporus umbellatus: A review on their extraction, modification, structure, and bioactivities, International Journal of Biol ogical Macromolecules, 2021, 189: 124-134.
2. Guo-ku Liu; Na Li; Yue-jin Zhang; Jun-ru Wang; LC/MS fingerprint and simultaneous quanti fication of main bioactive compounds in Polyporus umbellatus (Pers.) Fr. from different regions a nd developmental stages, Microchemical Journal, 2019, 144: 351-360.
3. Guo-ku Liu; Na Li; Si-yao Song; Yue-jin Zhang; Jun-ru Wang; Three exopolysaccharides from the liquid fermentation of Polyporus umbellatus and their bioactivities, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 132: 629-640.
4. Ma, Zhiyuan; Sun, Qingyang; Chang, Lili; Peng, Jing; Zhang, Mengqi; Ding, Xuechao; Zhang, Qiang; Liu, Guoku; Liu, Xuebo; Lan, Ying. A natural anti-obesity reagent derived from sea buckthorn polysaccharides: Structure characterization and anti-obesity evalsuation in vivo. Food Chemistry, 2022, 375: 131884.
5. Li, Xiaojun; Chen, Qi; Liu, Guoku; Xu, Xu, Hairong; Zhang, Xue. Chemical elucidation of an arabinogalactan from rhizome of Polygonatum sibiricum with antioxidant activities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 190, 730-738.