姓 名🫧:胡小嬌
性 別:女
職 稱👨🏻🦼:副研究員,碩士生導師
2013.07-至今:中國農業科顺盈作物科學研究所 副研究員,碩士生導師。
1. 胡小嬌(第8完成人). 耐密高產廣適玉米新品種中單808和中單909培育與應用,國家科學技術部,國家科技進步獎,二等👩🏻🌾,2019🏈🉑。
2. 胡小嬌(第7完成人). 玉米抗旱相關基因挖掘與作用機製研究, 河南省政府🧑🏽🏫🧜🏼,河南省自然科學獎,二等,2022。
3. 胡小嬌(第19完成人). 耐密高產廣適玉米品種中單909的選育與應用,農業農村部,神農中華農業科技獎,一等🎉,2017🌹。
1. 玉米宜籽粒機收抗逆高產基因資源挖掘與利用,國家重點研發計劃項目,460萬元🏸,2023.12-2027.11◼️,在研,課題主持人
2. 玉米強優勢新種質創製與應用,國家重點研發計劃項目,120萬元,2022.12- 2027.11,在研,子課題主持人
3. 抗除草劑玉米自交系HX-025的配製與應用,新疆維吾爾自治區揭榜掛帥項目,450萬元,2023.08-2026.12,在研,課題主持人;
1. 胡小嬌🤎、張偉👨🏻🦳、蔣成功👱🏿、王紅武、李坤、劉小剛、黃長玲. ZmD13蛋白在調控玉米株高中的應用🫦,專利號ZL202210248548.2🧛🏼♀️,國家發明專利⏸,2024
2. 胡小嬌🙋🏼♂️、韓璐璐、王紅武🧏♂️、劉小剛👿🖕🏿、李坤、黃長玲、張偉. DEK48基因在調控玉米籽粒發育中的應用,專利號ZL202111663976.3,國家發明專利🕉,2023
3. 胡小嬌、張偉🔒🩰、王紅武、李坤、劉小剛🙏🔥、黃長玲. 玉米半矮桿基因ZmD13的分子標記及其應用,專利號ZL202210248740.1,國家發明專利⌛️,2023
4. 胡小嬌、石慧敏、王紅武、李坤、劉小剛🧬、黃長玲、張偉. 一種用於鑒定玉米糊粉層層數的CAPS標記及其檢測方法,專利號ZL202111682108.X▫️,國家發明專利,2023
5. 王紅武、劉小剛🌗、胡小嬌、李坤、徐雲碧、黃長玲. 一種快速玉米育種群體改良的方法. 專利號ZL201811268759.2🫵🏼,國家發明專利🧜♂️,2023
1. 李坤❤️🔥、王紅武、胡小嬌、黃長玲、劉誌芳🤏🏼👨👦、吳宇錦、劉小剛,玉米,中單8812,國家審定,國審玉20226157,2022
2. 黃長玲👩🏼🎓、劉誌芳🍯🏌🏽♂️、王紅武⛴、吳宇錦👼🏿、胡小嬌🧑、李坤,玉米➙,中單882🧑🏽🍳,國家審定, 國審玉20186101, 2018
3. 黃長玲💆♂️、劉誌芳🧑🏼⚕️、王紅武、吳宇錦📩、胡小嬌、李坤,玉米,中單859™️,國家審定, 國審玉20176002,2017
4. 黃長玲❤️🔥、劉誌芳、王紅武🧓🏻、吳宇錦👨🎓、胡小嬌🚸、李坤,玉米,中單856,國家審定. 國審玉2015609, 2015
1. 胡小嬌🧙🏿、黃長玲、王紅武、劉誌芳、吳宇錦🎆、李坤、李樹強. 玉米🤵🏽,CA13DH53👩🏻🦯,授權號🆓:CNA20151756.3, 2021
2. 胡小嬌😎、王紅武、黃長玲💆♀️、劉誌芳、吳宇錦♥️👨🏽🍼、李坤、李樹強. 玉米🪒,CA13D100🧙🏻♀️,授權號:CNA20151757.2, 2021
3. 劉誌芳、胡小嬌、黃長玲、王紅武、吳宇錦🚕🤜、李坤🧟♂️、李樹強. 玉米,CA13D38,授權號:CNA20151755.4, 2021
4. 王紅武、胡小嬌🦉、黃長玲、劉誌芳、吳宇錦、李坤🙅🏼♀️、李樹強. 玉米,CA13D228,授權號🙋🏼:CNA20151752.7, 2021
5. 王紅武🪲、黃長玲、胡小嬌、劉誌芳👧🏽、吳宇錦🧜、李坤、李樹強. 玉米,CA11DH65,
授權號:CNA20151750.9, 2021
1. Jing Wang, Hongwu Wang, Kun Li, Xiaogang Liu, Xiaoxiong Cao, Yuqiang Zhou, Changling Huang, Yunling Peng, Xiaojiao Hu*. Characterization and Transcriptome Analysis of Maize Small-Kernel Mutant smk7a in Different Development Stages. Plants. 2023 Jan 12;12(2):354.
2. Lulu Han, Chenggong Jiang, Wei Zhang, Hongwu Wang, Kun Li, Xiaogang Liu, Zhifang Liu, Yujin Wu, Changling Huang, Xiaojiao Hu*.Morphological Characterization and Transcriptome Analysis of New Dwarf and Narrow-Leaf ( dnl2) Mutant in Maize. Int J Mol Sci . 2022 Jan 12;23(2):795.
3. Xiaojiao Hu, Hongwu Wang, Kun Li, Xiaogang Liu, Zhifang Liu, Yujin Wu, Shuqiang Li, Changling Huang.Genome-wide alternative splicing variation and its potential contribution to maize immature-ear heterosis.The Crop Journal.2021,9(2):476-486
4. Xiaojiao Hu†, Yang Cui†, Xiaomin Lu, Weibin Song, Lei Lei, Jinjie Zhu, Jinsheng Lai, Lizhu E* and Haiming Zhao*. Maize WI5 encodes an endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase required for secondary cell wall synthesis and water transport in xylem. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2020:1-18
5. Xiaojiao Hu†, Hongwu Wang†, Kun Li, Yujin Wu, Zhifang Liu* and Changling Huang*. Genome-wide proteomic profiling reveals the role of dominance protein expression in heterosis in immature maize ears. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1) 16130.
6. Xiaojiao Hu†, Hongwu Wang†, Xizhou Diao, Zhifang Liu, Kun Li, Yujin Wu, Qianjin Liang, Hui Wangand Changling Huang*. Transcriptome profiling and comparison ofmaize ear heterosis during the spikelet andfloret differentiation stages. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17(1):959
7. Qi Wang†, Kun Li†, XiaojiaoHu, HuiminShi, ZhifangLiu, YujinWu, HongwuWang* and ChanglingHuang*. Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of stalk cell wall components and digestibility in maize recombinant inbred lines from B73 × By804. The crop journal, 2020,8(1): 132-139
8. Xiaogang Liu†, Hongwu Wang†, Xiaojiao Hu, Kun Li, Zhifang Liu, Yujin Wu and Changling Huang*. Improving Genomic Selection With Quantitative Trait Loci and Nonadditive Effects Revealed by Empirical Evidence in Maize. Front. Plant Sci. 2019,10:1129.
9. Kun Li†, Hongwu Wang†, Xiaojiao Hu, Feiqian Ma, Yujin Wu, Qi Wang, Zhifang Liu*and Changling Huang*. Genetic and Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis of Cell Wall Components and Forage Digestibility in the Zheng58 × HD568 Maize RIL Population at Anthesis Stage. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:1472.
10. Hongwu Wang†, Kun Li†, Xiaojiao Hu, Zhifang Liu, Yujin Wu and Changling Huang*. Genome-wide association analysis of forage quality in maize mature stalk. BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 16(1).
11. Kun Li†, Hongwu Wang†, Xiaojiao Hu, Zhifang Liu, Yujin Wu, Changling Huang*. Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals the Genetic Basis of Stalk Cell Wall Components in Maize. Plos One, 2016, 11(8):e0158906-.
12. Xiaomin Lu†, Xiaojiao Hu†, Yuanzeng Zhao†, Weibin Song, Mei Zhang, Zongliang Chen, Wei Chen, Yongbin Dong, Zhenhua Wang, Jinsheng Lai*. Map-based cloning of zb7 encoding an IPP and DMAPP synthase in the MEP pathway of maize. Molecular Plant, 2012,5(5):1100-1112