姓 名:代建龍
性 別⛔️:男
職 稱🤰🏽:研究員,碩士生導師
電 話💁🏻♀️:0531-66658678
2002.09-2006.07🏂: 萊陽顺盈平台,農業資源與環境專業,農學學士;
2009.09-2012.06🎪: 中國農業大學,作物栽培學與耕作學專業,農學博士💄;
1. 農業農村部“傑出青年農業科學家”,2018;
2. 山東省棉花產業技術體系首席專家,2023👩🏽;
3. 中國作物學會棉花專業委員會委員🦖,2021👱🏿;
4. 中國農學會棉花分會理事,2017.
1. 代建龍(第2完成人). 棉花輕簡化豐產栽培技術體系及在主產棉區的應用, 山東省人民政府, 山東省科學技術進步獎, 一等獎, 2018。
2. 代建龍(第5完成人),棉花耕作栽培與生理生態創新團隊,神農中華農業科技獎🎷🍕,優秀創新團隊獎,2015年。
1. 低鹽根區施肥緩解棉花鹽害的機理研究🧑🏻🔬,國家自然科學基金青年項目,25萬元,2015-2017,課題主持人✷。
1.代建龍👩🏿🎤,董合忠,埃內吉等◀️😍,一種采用化學封頂的晚密簡棉花栽培方法, ZL201610033887.3,國家發明專利,2019🈸。
1. Jianlong Dai, Zhengpeng Cui, Yanjun Zhang, Lijie Zhan, JunjunNie, Jianqiang Cui, Dongmei Zhang, Shizhen Xu, , Lin Sun, Bing Chen, Hezhong Dong*。 Enhancing stand stablishment and yield formation of cotton with multiple drip irrigation during emergence in saline fields of Southern Xinjiang🖕🏼🏊♀️,Field Crops Research, 2024,315:109482.
2. Jianlong Dai, LiwenTian, Yanjun Zhang, Dongmei Zhang*, Shizhen Xu, Zhengpeng Cui, Zhenhuai Li, Weijiang Li, Lijie Zhan, Cundong Li, Hezhong Dong, Plant topping effects on growth, yield, and earliness of field-grown cotton as mediated by plant density and ecological conditions. Field Crops Research, 2022, 275:108337.
3. JunjunNie, Lin Sun, Lijie Zhan, Xue Li, WentingHou, Yanjun Zhang, Weijiang Li, Dongmei Zhang, Zhengpeng Cui, Zhenhuai Li, Shizhen Xu, Jianlong Dai*, Hezhong Dong*. Terminal removal at first square enhances vegetative ranching to increase seedcotton yield at low plant density. Field Crops Research,2023,302:109096.
4. Jie Qi, Yanjun Zhang, Jianlong Dai*, Shizhen Xu, Dongmei Zhang, JunjunNie, Xuezhen Sun, Hezhong Dong*. Late-planted short-season cotton without plastic mulching is an alternative to early-planted mulched full-season cotton,Industrial Crops & Products , 2021, 63:113325.
5. JianlongDai, Weijiang Li, Wei Tang, Dongmei Zhang, Zhenhuai Li, Hequan Lu,A. E Eneji∗, Hezhong Dong∗. Manipulation of dry matter accumulation and partitioning with plant density in relation to yield stability of cotton under intensive management. Field Crops Research, 2015,180:207-215.
陳常兵、董合忠、李雪源、柯興盛💆🏻♀️,代建龍等. 2022. 棉花集中成熟輕簡栽培100題. 中國農業出版社, 副主編.