姓 名🚵🏽:王占彪
性 別🫃:男
職 稱🩷:研究員🦴,博士生/碩士生導師
2004.07- 2008.06🎢: 河北農業大學🚴🏿♀️🫷🏿,農學專業,農學學士;
2009.09- 2012.06: 河北農業大學,作物栽培學與耕作學專業,農學碩士;
2012.09- 2015.06: 中國農業大學,作物栽培學與耕作學專業,農學博士;
2015.07-2017.10☂️: 河北農業大學,博士後🤪;
2017.11-至今: 中國農業科顺盈棉花研究所,副研究員🦵🏿、研究員🚐;
2021.05-至今🐡: 中國農業科顺盈西部農業研究中心🖐🏽,創新團隊首席科學家👨🏽🎤;
2022.01-至今💁🏿: 中國農業科顺盈西部農業研究中心⏏️,科研與國際合作處副處長(主持工作)🎁👳♂️、中亞試驗站站長
5.Journal of Integrative Agriculture 青年編委,2023🤦♀️;
6.Resources, Environment and Sustainability青年編委👨🏽🎨,2023;
1. 王占彪👱🏿♀️、李亞兵🚴🏼♀️、韓迎春. 超氧化物歧化酶樣品測定的光照與暗處理裝置, ZL 2020 2 0883808.7,發明專利𓀌。
2. 王占彪🔹🥰、李亞兵、韓迎春.土壤氨揮發收集裝置,ZL 2018 2 1991731.7,實用新型專利。
3. 王占彪、李亞兵、韓迎春.超氧化物歧化酶樣品測定的光照與暗處理裝置,ZL 2019 2 0883808.7,實用新型專利。
1. Zhang Z, Huang J, Yao Y, Peters G, Macdonald B, La Rosa AD, et al. Environmental impacts of cotton and opportunities for improvement. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 2023, 4(10):703-15.(通訊作者)
2. Wang, Z., Zhai, L., Xiong, S., Li, X., Han, Y., Wang, G. et al. February orchid cover crop improves sustainability of cotton production systems in the Yellow River basin. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 2021, 41. (第一作者)
3. Wang Z, Chen J, Mao S, Han Y, Chen F, Zhang L, et al. Comparison of greenhouse gas emissions of chemical fertilizer types in China's crop production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 141:1267-74. (第一作者)
4. Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Lu, X., Wang, M., Chu, Q., Wen, X., Chen, F. Lowering carbon footprint of winter wheat by improving management practices in North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 112, 149-157. (第一作者)
5. Li Q, Huang W, Wang J, Zhang Z, Li Y, Han Y, et al. Quantitative evalsuation of variation and driving factors of the regional water footprint for cotton production in China. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2023, 35:684-96.(通訊作者)
6. Huang W, Wu F, Zhang Z, Meng Y, Wang J, Li Q, et al. The nitrogen footprint and reactive nitrogen reduction potential of cotton production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023, 402. (通訊作者)
7. Zhang Z, Wang J, Huang W, Han Y, Wang G, Feng L, et al. Growing cover crop mixtures are more sustainable than single cover crop in continuous cotton cropping: Comprehensive assessment from 3-year field experiment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023, 420.(通訊作者)
8. Zhang Z, An J, Han Y, Feng L, Li X, Xiong S, et al. Advantages of an Orychophragmus violaceus-maize rotation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reactive nitrogen losses and increasing net ecosystem economic benefits on the North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 317. (通訊作者)
9. Huang W, Wu F, Han W, Li Q, Han Y, Wang G, et al. Carbon footprint of cotton production in China: Composition, spatiotemporal changes and driving factors. Sci Total Environ. 2022, 821:153407. (通訊作者)
10. Wang, J., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Han, Y., Feng, L., et al. Application of image technology to simulate optimal frequency of automatic collection of volumetric soil water content data. Agriculture Water Management, 2022, 269, 107674.(通訊作者)
11. Zhang Z, Wang J, Huang W, Chen J, Wu F, Jia Y, et al. Cover crops and N fertilization affect soil ammonia volatilization and N2O emission by regulating the soil labile carbon and nitrogen fractions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2022, 340. (通訊作者)
12. Sun G, Zhang Z, Xiong S, Guo X, Han Y, Wang G, et al. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and ammonia volatilization from cotton fields by integrating cover crops with reduced use of nitrogen fertilizer. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2022, 332. (通訊作者)
13. Han W, Liu S, Wang J, Lei Y, Zhang Y, Han Y, et al. Climate variation explains more than half of cotton yield variability in China. Industrial Crops and Products. 2022, 190. (通訊作者)
14. Wu F, Qiu Y, Huang W, Guo S, Han Y, Wang G, et al. Water and heat resource utilization of cotton under different cropping patterns and their effects on crop biomass and yield formation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022, 323.(通訊作者)
15. Xin M, Zhang Z, Han Y, Feng L, Lei Y, Li X, et al. Soybean phenological changes in response to climate warming in three northeastern provinces of China. Field Crops Research. 2023, 302.(通訊作者)
16. Han W, Liu S, Lei Y, Zhang Y, Han Y, Wang G, et al. Climate warming accelerates cotton growth while cultivar shifts extend the growth period. Field Crops Research. 2023, 293.(通訊作者)
17. Zhang Z, An J, Xiong S, Li X, Xin M, Wang J, et al. Orychophragmus violaceus-maize rotation increases maize productivity by improving soil chemical properties and plant nutrient uptake. Field Crops Research. 2022, 279.(通訊作者)
18. Zhang Z, Wang J, Xiong S, Huang W, Li X, Xin M, et al. Orychophragmus violaceus/cotton relay intercropping with reduced N application maintains or improves crop productivity and soil carbon and nitrogen fractions. Field Crops Research. 2023, 291. (通訊作者)
19. Cai C, Wang Z, Ma L, Xu Z, Yu J, Li F. Cotton stalk valorization towards bio-based materials, chemicals, and biofuels: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2024, 202. (共同第一作者)
20. Zhai, L., Wang, Z., Zhai, Y., Zhang, L., Zheng, M., Yao, H., et al. Partial substitution of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer benefits grain yield, water use efficiency, and economic return of summer maize. Soil and Tillage Research. 2022, 217, 105287. (共同第一作者)
1.毛樹春、王占彪、田立文. 2023. 中國棉花景氣報告2020-2022. 中國農業出版社.